Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Say it ain't so!

It just hit me this morning.  I was walking behind my little shih tzu trying not to step on him as he darted left and right looking behind himself to see where I was going.  In the middle of one of his darts, he stopped and sniffed the cat’s behind for a second and resumed running in front of me anticipating my next move.  Forgetting about me again, he ran and grabbed the ear of the other dog and then full sprinted to playfully attack the other cat who by the way, was not amused with said puppy.  Besides having too many pets, I just realized I am like that little shihtz!  I start out on a mission (say, dieting) and I get side-tracked sniffing in places I shouldn’t (like any place that has “pie” in its name!), chasing after other play-things (insert anything here), and totally forgetting what I started out to do.

My goal as you will recall was a foul four-letter word in my spontaneous/ fly by the seat of my pants world: P-L-A-N.  I have a friend who just started a diet.  Every day she sends me her meal plan PLUS the next day’s meal plan!  It just does not compute with me.  I’m wondering what part of the brain is responsible for that four-letter word because I’m sure I must have had a lobotomy that took out the planning part of my brain at some point in my life.  Why don’t I use her meal plans, right?  Because she is not off grains AND I have to learn to meal plan for myself.  I’m stubborn that way….although I could stop writing for a moment and go and look at how the brain works and …..sniff…sniff…sniff…ooh, shiny!

I think my Grandmom had it right.  Every morning for breakfast she ate the same thing.  No guessing….no planning.  I remember visiting her.  We would head out to her local grocer and she would let me buy whatever I wanted and then we would think about her memorized grocery list….milk, butter, cream, bread.  She rattled off those staples every time.  As long as she had those 4 items, she was good to go!  So back to her breakfast… for as long as I can remember (and ahem, that’s a looooong time) she had cantaloupe, toast with butter, and a cup and a saucer full of coffee.  Her doctor limited her coffee intake to one cup a day.  In keeping with the Dr. orders, she would pour a cup of coffee to the brim and  over into her saucer.  I asked “Why not just have a second cup?”  Her reply, “Doctor’s orders.”  She was a funny old lady.  I miss her.  I can take a tip from her, though.  She was perfectly content with that breakfast every morning.  I need to find a breakfast that I like and stick to it.  No thinking; no planning; just eat it.  Make sure I have my staples on hand and then I’ll be good to go.  What do you think?  Is it a plan?

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