Thursday, February 21, 2013

Secret blogger

Grainiacs,  I have a confession (maybe I've confessed this before), I do not like confrontations.  Maybe I liked to argue in my youth, but as an over 50 adult:  I do not like it!  You might have noticed that I don't add "labels" or ticker thingys or whatever they are called to the bottom of my posts.  That way people can't google "weight loss" or "grains" or any other term and find my blog.  I just don't want to hear negatives remarks.  I like to keep things positive.  Negativity abounds in our world.  It seems no one can talk about anything without starting up some sort of disagreement.  You know what the Bible says....where two or three are gathered?  Wait!  That's not how it goes, but it is true....where two or three are gathered, mixed views, feelings, emotions (good grief, don't believe me bring up politics!), ideas, dreams are bound to surface.  Take last night, I found a photo on Fb and posted it on my wall.  I thought it "put things into perspective."

  I felt that the statement on the photo is true.  We complain when we can't get our TV to function properly or the internet has gone out yet again because of the blankety blank wind or my store doesn't carry enough variety of WW products.  Now thankfully Hubby and I were not on the cruise.  He has a weak stomach when it comes to poopy smells.  I don't think the author of the photo was trying to diminish what the poor folk on the cruise ship were going through.  It was real.  It was terrifying for them.  I think after the 1st day of no rescue I'd be wondering if we are all that advanced in technology and rescue!  I'm still trying to figure out why in this day and age it took 5 days to rescue them.  Again, I'm not belittling their suffering.  It was real.  It was frightening.  It was 5 days of hell.  The reason I posted it was because I tend to forget about the 2,500,000,000 people around the world who endure hardship (like none I've ever seen), go without running water, drink from a stagnant poop infested water system, are sold (yes slavery still exists) for money and prostitution, hired to work for peanuts by big corporate America.  I could go on and on.  It is easier for me to stuff those types of thoughts down deep inside so I don't have to think about all the suffering in the world.  So I don't feel guilty when I get upset with trivial self-serving "hardships" of my own.  Stuffing those feelings and hurts for the world is just plain easier than taking a stand and arguing with someone.

Yet someone did challenge my shared photo.  I thought the photo would give some perspective to others like me who go about our daily lives and think....well, just about ourselves...what's on the docket for ME today.  I thought it might spark a deep well in others who might like to help think of ways to help those in need.  I got me thinking about why are we here.  As a child when I questioned why God made us, I was told by SS teachers and leaders that God was lonely.  That might cut it when we are children but that ain't cutting it now.  We are called by God to care for our neighbors and our neighbors stretch way across the Atlantic and the Pacific too.  My challenger posted that just because one's suffering isn't as harsh or long-standing as another's, doesn't make it any less real (btw, she had several friends aboard that cruise).  So yes, that was up close and personal for her.  But, those people are now back home taking daily showers, drinking clean water, and sleeping in their nice comfy beds, and probably spraying Fabreeze all around them.  I would be!

So posting others' photos of crippled cruise ships has inspired me to take a stand.  If every privileged (what does that mean?  Do you have enough money to buy a cup of coffee?  A 2nd pair of shoes?) person in the world would act on behalf of someone else, I know we could conquer world hunger, safe drinking, child diseases.

Are you apart of a women's organization?  Any organization that looks beyond themselves to make this world a better place?  Give a little bit more.  Go that extra mile.

P.S. Because I had this on my mind, I forgot to weigh in today for my 5 pound challenge.  I guess I was weighing in on something else.

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