Saturday, August 11, 2012

Still counting Saturday

I must admit I'm having fun counting calories.  Who'da thunk it?  I'm the one who likes things fast and easy.  Think fast food!  That has been my problem with losing weight; I have that all or nothing mentality.  It might have taken 10 years to put on the weight but I want to lose it in a month!

A while back I bought this book on sale at Hastings-- I don't even remember when or why now.  It has been sitting on my recipe bookshelf for years!  It isn't the easiest book to read yet and the internet is chock-full of calorie counting websites so I wouldn't go out and buy one...unless it is on sale and let's face it, what girl doesn't like a sale?

The great thing for me about counting calories is I can get lost in this book or on the web looking up foods so I'm not thinking about how hungry (or not hungry) I am.  So far no mindless eating.

Hubby got into the act and set up an excel sheet for me.  I'm going to town with this counting calories, right???  I wanted to share what it looks like.  Hubby is the excel genius so he programmed it with my calories for the day.  Every time I input my food and its calories, it is automatically deducted from the spreadsheet.  By the end of the day I'll see how many I have left.  As long as my figure is in parentheses, I'm fine and on target!  I'm also tracking what time of day I tend to eat.  It isn't showing on this spreadsheet picture but I've gone back and added.  This way I can predict when I'll be getting hungry and can make sure I have a healthy snack or am close to home so I can eat a healthy meal.

Decently and Orderly! Good Presbyterian calorie counting
You will notice that I had a lite vanilla coffee at 9:30 p.m.  NEVER AGAIN!!!!!  I was tossing and turning all night and into the morning.  I could barely lift myself out of bed on Friday morning.  But on Friday, I had that delicious "pick-me-up" drink at 3:00 p.m. at work. 

Kitzilla says she is counting calories too.  

let me wash my food first

oops, missed a spot

num num num

how many calories are in this clothes rack?

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