Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Sun will come Out, Tomorrow

Well, the sun isn't exactly out yet!  Graini-Mom has another angiogram today and hard as he tried, my step-dad could not get the hour changed to a "decent" hour.  My family (including the fur-babies) are up before the chickens. zzzzzzz

The fur-babies are on a schedule and it really messes things up when we deviate from it.  I'm thinking it would behoove me to be on such a schedule....problem is.....life happens (that's my story and I'm sticking to it).  I seem to plan to go to bed at a certain hour and wake at a certain hour;  as the stars would have it--I am unable to get to sleep or hubby tosses and turns which in turn makes me want to toss him right off the bed! ;)

So there is some re-training going on in the strawberry patch right now.  I'm retraining myself to move my bones.  I'm retraining the stomach to eat less (that is surely a work in progress!).  I'm retraining the animals on eating habits too (that is definitely a work in progress!).  They are not too happy with The Momma.

Today will be a long sitting and waiting day.  I'm ready.  I'm making a smoothie for breakfast so I can eat/drink in the car to the hospital.  I have papers to read and work on while waiting at the hospital.  And I have my tennis shoes on to move my bones.

Recently, I decided to join the ranks of my friends who all wear a colored wristband that tells them how far they walked, if their heart is still beating, calories consumed so they can pig out at dinner, etc.  It takes me a while.  I blame it on my upbringing.  We all said Cucaracha-ville was 100 years behind the times so in keeping with that, I seldom....if ever...purchase anything (that includes fashion, hair, nails, TVs, any electronics, well....just everything!) new.  If I can get whatever the hot deal is at a Goodwill or Salvation Army years later all the better.  Such was the case with my new Garmin Vivofit.  I bought a reconditioned one off Groupon for $49.00! 

Now to learn everything everyone else knows....how to work the darn thing!

On another note: I want to thank you all for reaching out to me yesterday.  I wasn't trying to invite anyone to my pity party but in keeping it real I figured others might have those kinds of days too.  I appreciate your love.  I am thankful for each of you.  You all made me laugh offering to "beat up" that church member!  LOL  And as my favourite Graini-Aunt reminded me: they don't call it "Blue Monday" for nothing!

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