Monday, September 9, 2013

I Knew it!!!

I just knew it!  I AM allergic to exercising.  Last night Boy and I went to the gym and worked out.  I came home and sneezed.  And then sneezed again.  Okay I have a friend who always sneezes three times in a row.  After 37 years of friendship I have learned to wait till that 3rd sneeze blasts out before I say "Bless you."  So when I sneezed for the third time I smiled thinking about her.  But then the fourth sneeze had me searching for the Airborne because a fourth and fifth sneeze says "somethin's up yur snout, Strawberry."  I finally stopped counting and headed for the stronger stash in the medicine cabinet and the Kleenex.  Ding Dong, I'm too busy to get sick.  Isn't that the usual?  No time to get sick.  Actually the body knows best but we are too "busy" read stubborn; important) to take it easy and mend and heal.  This week I have a crazy-busy schedule ending with a women's event on Saturday and yes, I am in charge AND giving a workshop so yeah, I DO NOT have time to get sick.  (sneeze)

Let me tell you what I was up to this past weekend.  Our church hosted a Kid's Event including a bouncy thing.  I was a little worried with the clouds hanging over looking all ominous and everything and yes I started praying like crazy when I saw a lightening bolt off in the distance.  We had already rented the bouncy thing and I did not know their "rain" policy but I'm pretty sure they don't care!

ominous clouds

couldn't catch the lightening

bouncy thing before kids

Don't get me wrong; we were in desperate need of rain and I'll be the first to play in the rain, but the lightening???  And this bouncy toy???  Nope; those two things didn't go together.  The event was from 6 - 8 p.m.  The rain stayed away.  At 8:00 p.m. (no joke) it started drizzling.  God said "Time to go home, My Peeps!"  I wish I could share a pic of Strawberry going down the slide, but I will tell you I did get soaked (in my Mexican dress) by a youth-sized slider.  There is something about me and Mexican dresses and water.  We were at a children's pool party long years ago and I noticed a little 2 year old College Boy very calmly staring at me from under the water.  He had fallen off the step and couldn't swim and most likely couldn't breathe!  Thankfully he didn't panic and suck in water.  I, however, panicked and tried to fish him out of the water.  I was pregnant with Boy, though, and my equilibrium wasn't  "equi" or "librium" or whatever so FLOP- into the water I fell-- sideways-- and don't ask me how this happened but I couldn't catch my footing- I'm blaming it on Boy!  All I see is red all around me.  Nope, not blood.  Nope, not rage.  My red Mexican dress has bubbled up all around my neck and face.  Meanwhile my friend calmly (there's that word again) lays down by the side of the pool and reaches for Baby College Boy as I'm handing him up in the general direction of her voice (I still have my dress up around my face!).  You'd think I'd learn not to wear my Mexican dress around water.

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