Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Getting a late start

Oh, Grainiacs!
What a time I've been having here in my new Cucaracha-ville!  I have connected with friends from long ago; I've stayed connected to friends near and far (thank you, Facebook!); I'm meeting new friends; and I'm ready to go postal on the educational system here.  Would you think it would be hard to get your child into a public school?  Think again.  We've been jumping through hoops and dancing and crying and all to no avail.

I recall many moons ago (before children) I boldly proclaimed "I will not home school my children!"  If you've known me, we home schooled all four.  The last little chick-a-dee is still in the nest and I'm tasting my freedom and I held up my fist and shouted "I will NOT home school Boy through high school!"  Well guess what?  God has such a sense of humor and our schools and area are such that I can't get Boy into public high school.  And I've tried.  Oh believe me, I've tried.  I have sat in offices and pleaded with officials, but here's the problem.  Our schools are over-crowded.  Our teachers are pushed to extreme limits to educate children whose parents (now, not all....don't send me hate mail) are looking to get those kids out of the house.  They don't have time to school them and teach them morals.  The casino is calling; the 3 jobs they work just to "get by" is calling; the extreme lazy-ass society we are creating is beckoning and promising-  let the government take care of your kids, your paycheck, your life.  Do I sound cynical?  Heck yes.  I'm tired of my school system educating children from across the border because we  have a don't ask (or rather "can't ask")/ don't tell mentality.  I'm all for equal educational rights unless I can't get my own United States citizen child into a U.S. high school!!! Something is just wrong with this picture.! 

Which is what I did.  Yesterday I called the third or fourth school here.  I was so excited.  Boy and I went down to talk to the principal (because she is "The One" who I needed to talk to) and sat for 40 minutes while she was in conference with another parent.  It must have been serious because the step-father was called in.  I know this because the sibling was sitting out in the waiting room with me and Boy and I struck up a conversation with her.  Sweet girl.  Anywho, after 40-some odd minutes, the receptionist said "I talked with the principal and she said your son wouldn't be able to attend because he would be coming in as a second-semester sophomore."

  I asked for more info and was told that they only accept fresh-people and sophomores.

 Yes, and my son is a sophomore. 

Yes, but he is a second semester sophomore. 

Are you worried he can't keep up with the work? 

I'll let the principal explain it to you. 

Yes, but she is in conference and you don't know when she'll be done.  Are you telling me I'll be waiting just so the principal can explain that you won't accept my son into this school?


I'm outta here.

The first school wasn't any better.  Only our conversation had more to do with "we can't prove we live here."  Our house is owned by the church.  The church pays everything and consequently nothing is in our name.  Round and round we went with that conversation.  My eyes were crossed and I thought "there has to be a better place."  Second school called.  Can't get him in second semester but fill out form for next year.  And so it goes.  Meanwhile, Boy was enjoying a nice Thanksgiving and Christmas break and I was worried I'd have a high school drop-out on my hands!  LOL

So, Graianiacs, when all else fails, there is a Plan B or C or D or even F.  We are strong and will prevail. Which brings me to the reason for the blog: I had a good day at WW.  Lost 1.8 pounds.  Unfortunately I let stress and anger and despair take over my eating.  I'm not going to tell you what all I ate yesterday due to sheer frustration and other emotions I just mentioned.  Suffice it to say, I was horrible.  Mona stepped out and took over.  Today Mona has gone on vacation and Strawberry is back.  I've resolved to take over the ship and get back in control.

I have a plan.  I have a goal.  I'm getting Boy taken care of come hell or high water, but we will not sink.  Yes, we are on a new course but it is not un-chartered waters.  I'm the captain and now I say "I WILL home school my child through high school and I will not eat everything in sight just because."

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