Grainiacs! I entered the Olympics. It is my own personal sport and race. I entered this game at the start of the Olympics. The record I'm going for is breaking the diet coke habit. Already I'm on Day 9 of no DC. It's a tough sport. Monday through Wednesday of last week was not as much of a challenge as I thought it'd be. BUT on Thirsty Thursday (a promotion on half price fountain drinks my most convenient convenience store offers), oh, I felt the weight of this competition. I recall the story former President Bush told about a race during the Special Olympics. You probably remember it too. A race ensued and all the contestants were running. One fell and the leader of the race turned around to see a friend in need. That leader turned around to go back to pick up the fallen racer and the whole group ran back and they ALL raced across the finish line together. How can you not realize the importance of friendship and teamwork with stories like that?!
I was weak that Thirsty Thursday and I called a friend. Mona whined "I want" and my friend talked me through my moment when I was about to give up. Yes, I could have a diet coke on Thursday but then that might become a "thirsty" Monday or Saturday and then I'd be right back where I started. I got through that withdrawal moment with the help of my special friend. Do not underestimate the power of friends when you are feeling low or ready to give up.
The hardest part of my race is done. I've broken through that first week. Now with the help of my friends, I am going for the gold.
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