Shall I say I have an addictive personality? No, people and things are not addicted to me; I'm addicted to things and food and movies and TV shows and! Since I am an ADS (attention deficit strawberry) I skip around from addiction to addiction (I get bored easily)--no wonder I don't know what I want to be when I grow's my ADS! No wonder I can't keep on task while writing--I know that's what you are thinking. Last night I stayed up WAY past my bedtime searching and inputting info onto Networks are now producing shows like "Who do you think you are?" and PBS has a great show "Finding your roots with Henry Louis Gates, Jr." Why I even thought about having my DNA tested after one episode with "finding my roots!" These marketing people really know what they are doing. Thankfully I had already subscribed to after my "roots" trip to Scotland so I don't consider myself a convert. Speaking of Scotland we found out more about Hubby's roots than mine; isn't that the way it goes? His roots dig deep into the Edinburgh area whereas mine come from a tiny fishing village on the east coast...nowhere near Edinburgh! That's how it's always been with us. I remember a trip to Cameron, TX to discover my past. My great great grandfather founded the first public school in that town. I thought the museum would be stocked full of Strawberry's father's history. No, Hubby's family was plastered all over the damn place. Can you believe it? Then we go to Scotland and what do we find? Hubby's clan hails from Malcolm Canmore....yes....THE Malcolm Canmore who killed MacBeth. For your information, Canmore means "big head." LOL So I am a humble little strawberry on a quest to find my roots to help me go against my grain. Actually it's an addiction now (which is definitely my grain) and I know it will be an expensive one. I tend to choose the more expensive hobbies and clothing and furniture (not that I get them, mind you, it's just that I can pick the more expensive in the line). And to think of my humble beginnings in that Scottish fishing village. ppppfffff
This root searching and addiction confession got me to thinking about my yo-yo dieting. I DO like to skip around and not stay in one place (sort to speak) for too long. You'll remember from decades (okay, maybe not decades but definitely many many posts past) ago I lost 14 - 15 pounds. Yipee, except that's all I've lost. This past weekend I got sick....really really sick (I won't go into it) and my stomach is still not feeling right. I got on the scale to see what Kaa (that ssssslithering ssscale) had to say and he was down 5 pounds. Now I'm not recommending you catch a 24 hour bug but I'm hoping this loss will kick start me back into the losing mode. Since my tummy is still a little persnickity, I'm having to watch what I consume. Well, duh...isn't that the whole part of healthy eating/dieting? Watch What I Consume. It's a no-brainer really, but for some reason it isn't in my DNA. I really think I need to have it tested. What about you? Who do you think you are?
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