I wonder where our passion lies. Not just l-o-v-e passion, but those little nonsensical things that get our temperatures rising. Again, not l-o-v-e.
Take, for example, this morning. I awoke and immediately thought about my animals and my birds to feed. Heaven forbid I forget about feeding the cats! Oliver can get down-right nasty about it-- knocking over items on my nightstand or chewing on all the noisy plastic paper wrappers that might contain something. Do you know how noisy the plastic wrappers on post-it notes are? I do!! Not exactly resume material but I guarantee it is a skill to find ALL the plastic wrappers in one's room and discard them.
Another example: about a year ago, I wrote on the Downton Abbey facebook board (I know: I'm a geek!). I was verbally attacked by a Brit about it. I mean, sheesh!!!! Give me a break. Get a life... and all those other many phrases that say "It was just a frickin' question!" Cool your buns; cool your jets; take a chill pill (Okay, now I'm just showing my age!). Don't get so passionate about it, for heaven's sake-- it is JUST A TV SHOW and I have a legitimate question!!!!! Arrrgggg
So I've decided to hide all the plastic crinkly-making noise producing wrappers from my room!
I've decided to quit watching a show that is losing its cast right and left and stories that are running stale and the whole "it isn't the British way" to replace the character attitude and do something more productive on Sunday evening. And that I am passionate about!!
I am also passionate about having the girls checked yearly. I have not been so passionate about it recently. I've thought about it and said "I'll get to it later," but I need to be more intentional about it. So today in honor of all my friends who have or who are or who have lost the battle with cancer, I'm having my girlies squished and smashed and checked out in your honor (you all know who you are!).
What are you passionate about? Is it a TV show or making sure you feed the animals in a timely manner? Is it battling for your sports team or getting upset that someone upstaged a Kardshian? Really! Haven't we had enough of them or Snooki??? I can tell you that, but I'm sure not writing it on their facebook page; I've learned that lesson!!!!
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