Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Going Against the Grain

It has been awhile since I gave up grains.  I know some grains are considered healthy and some are not.  But my body seems to process granola and sugared donuts the same and it lands directly in and on my gut.

I've been sluggish even with all the activities and commitments I have and do.  I'm absolutely wiped out.

Take today for instance.  I have been to the store. I've cleaned out several cabinets. I've cleaned dishes. And it is 4:09 p.m. and I need a nap.  The last time I felt like this the doctor put me on thyroid meds and the endocrinologist said she would NOT have put me on thyroid meds.

So what's a strawberry to do?

I say "take the nap!"

I think our bodies know what we need.

And I'm wondering if my body is telling me to get off the grains again.

In the meantime, I'll share with you my cleaned up cabinets.

sorta kinda "before"

do not pay attention to the floor...that has been cleaned up
 I don't feel like getting up and retaking the picture.  You'll have to believe me when I say the floor area is now cleaned up.

Boy's Stuff is up high...except for the water bottles. They are for me too!

neighboring cabinet
I have lots of weight watcher goodies so my no consuming grains will have to wait.  I mean I don't want to waste good money, right?

Happy Tuesday, Grainiacs!