Tuesday, January 27, 2015

3 strikes

Is it baseball season yet?  Hubby says they are getting ready for spring cleaning, I mean training.  Freudian slip, there....I need to get into spring cleaning mode.  I have various ideas of what to do and how to do it.  But that is for another post.  Today it is about-- You're OUT!

This past weekend another adult sponsor and I took 9 overactive teens to the hill country to our Christian camp.  I really thought they'd sleep on the way up.  Silly me! 

Every...single...one...of....them....said....they....would....sleep....in....the....van.  Every one! 

They were as wide-eyed and bushy-tailed as if it were Christmas morn and Santa Claus had come.  And I loved it.  My goal has been to start and grow a youth fellowship at this church.  Our first year, Hubby and Boy went (the other father and son backed out).  Our second year Hubby, Boy, and 2 other boys went.  This year, Strawberry, a Dad, 5 boys and 4 girls went!!!  I can't wait to see what next year will bring. 

Any who, I didn't feel like cooking and I did feel like a chicken sandwich from Mickey D's so Hubby and I trekked over there to order dinner.  Now I will say we have had trouble with this particular establishment before.  Career girl was craving one of those bbq rib sandwiches.  They were offered for a limited time so of course we crave them, right?  We get home and guess what? No rib sandwich.  This trip Hubby ordered and she repeated it back wrong.  No, this is what we want.  She repeats and asks an inaudible question. What?  mumble mumble mumble.  WHat?  gurgle gurgle gurgle.  WHAT????? I figured out she was probably asking about sauce for Boy's nuggets.  Now Hubby and I ordered the same thing and Boy ordered something that goes with a sauce so how did our order get so screwed up???  One chicken sandwich, one quarter pounder and no nuggets.  Because I know how this place operates, I told Hubby not to move an inch in the car till I checked the bags.  Unfortunately they gave us part of an order and told us to move up.  THREE times the attendant had to go back and forth with their mistake and then they were going to charge us for the mistake????  

The funny part about it is this was really our last time to go because Boy and I were planning a wheat-free cuisine from now on.  This was our swan song to fast food (for a while at least...don't be mean...I know you know me and I say this a lot but I truly meant it at the time!!!).

 Fool me once, shame on you.....fool me twice, shame on me....fool me three times,  YOU'RE OUT!!!!  Giving up this place will be easy!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

My Enabler

I do not know how many of you have been on diet programs, but the "almost" first thing they say is "find a buddy."  There is just something about struggling through this taxing time if you have someone to commiserate, er, joyfully get healthy with.  You can lift the spirits and help keep that person on track and they (hopefully) reciprocate.  Being accountable to someone/something is critical for weight loss.  Now, no sending hate mail.  I do realize there are some highly abnormal people out there who can do it alone...and quite frankly I and the rest of the fat world are in awe of you!  BUT, for me.... I NEED A BUDDY!!!!

So let me share a dialogue Hubby and I had last night.

Me: after this weekend I need to get back on track...no excuses.

Hubby:  Why don't you wait till your studies are all done.  (not a question; a statement!)

Me: Uh, I want to lose weight before graduation, not after.

Hubby: You think it will show under your robe?

Me: It will show in my face.  Plus, I won't be wearing my robe all weekend!!!

Hubby: (smile)

Okay Weight Loss Class 101:  What's wrong with this picture?????

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Traffic Update

Beware on the road, Grainiacs!

There is a crazy driver with the vanity plates STrAwBeRrY out there so keep your eyes open.

I do not know what has gotten into me but I have become some deranged, aggressive motorist lately.

It could be the fact that everyone in my area has seemed to received their driver's license as a prize out of a cereal box.  NO ONE is looking out for the other guy!!!

Just yesterday three people pulled out in front of me as if I were not even there.  The first thing was when a car stopped at a red light looked right and left of himself but not in front of himself!  Oncoming traffic must have slipped his mind.  Second one happened as I was traveling down a road with a speed limit of 45 mph and a car coming out of his neighborhood rolled through his stop sign and sauntered in front of me only to immediately turn left.  Problem: there was a car coming so he had to stop AND there was no one behind me!  Now tell me, why did he have to pull out in front of me only to stop?   Third thing: waiting in line for gas.  The motorcycle was facing me so as he was moving out a SUV whipped into the spot I was waiting for!!!  How many of you have read "Fried Green Tomatoes?"  Wasn't there an instant when our mild-mannered heroine turned into CraZy Towanda and continued to bang into the young thing's car that took her parking spot?  Well, I was ready to grab the gas hose and not let that SUV fill up.  Instead I sat there and then honked....of course to no avail.  The idiot boy jumped out and walked into the convenience store to pay.  I was still steaming that night and thought up different scenarios....like whipping my little car sideways and using my card at the pump and filling up while he was trying to pay inside!  Or getting into his car and popping it into neutral and pushing it backwards (thinking that one through a little more was not such a good idea....what if it kept going and hit another car??).

In other words, I need to realize I live in an area with idiots for drivers and I have to calm myself, laugh it off, and say a prayer that Towanda remains in a book and not lived out by me.  (Did you notice all three instances involved men drivers???  The first male idiot was a 70-ish man; second idiot was 50-ish; third idiot was 20-ish.  There's no hope!)

Keep safe out there, Grainiacs. 

Monday, January 19, 2015

Re-Purpose Me, Please

Junk, junk, and more junk.  I'm not talking about my house this time!  Our churches are filled with junk too....and no I'm talking about the people, but that IS a post for another time!!!  (you know what I'm talking about)

Our Sunday school classrooms-- maybe yours too-- are filled with beautiful upright grand pianos that can't carry a tune in a bucket.  These dinosaurs have been sitting in some hot classroom for centuries but heaven forbid we get rid of them!!!  While on campus this past semester another educator was bemoaning the fact that old pianos are cluttering up her Sunday school classes too.  The church does not want to kick them to the curb (sort to speak) and yet, they are dead reminders of a time gone by.

Did you know that the Sunday school idea was born out of a need in England when child labor laws were not yet established.  Poor children had to work in the mills to bring home the bacon money for their families.  Worried about the plight of the children a certain educator (his name escapes me...forgive me, "What's Your Name!") began educating the children on Sundays.  When the Purists came to America, they continued this schooling in the churches making sure the good Purist children knew the way of the Lord.  No wonder we can't get rid of old pianos that no longer work, have keys that stick or are missing, and cannot be tuned less the strings pop.  As good Americans every Sunday we sing "Tradition!!!"

Pinterest has great ideas for re-purposing old pianos.  Now hear me out, if the piano is fixable, by all means bring it back to life.  I am referring to those old relics that are sitting in a corner gathering dust and vermin or are stored away in some basement gathering dust and vermin and MOLD!  What is better?  Is kicking it to the alley or curb a better solution?  Or honoring the time and re-purposing it into something usable?  

Like a "piano bar?" 

Taken off of Pinterest site
 Some people are soo creative and what a great idea.  Okay, not into piano bars, well possibly a desk or headboard or piece of art.  If you are not linked in to Pinterest, you should be.  Just think!  You could be spending countless hours looking at ideas to re-purpose old pianos in your church!!!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

I see the light

Ever feel like you are a prisoner in your home?  I am feeling that way today.  First off, I have to start writing for my theology final.  I did get my theory final done and turned in yesterday.  Oh, in case you didn’t know, I just got back from my FINAL on-campus time at the seminary.  No more flying to Richmond, VA unless I want to; hear that?  I don’t HAVE to anymore.  Yipee and whoo hoo.  That light at the end of the seminary tunnel is about to pass me by.  I graduate in May of this year!!!  Can you tell I’m happy?
So back to my prisoner story.  I have many things to do and I’m feeling the pressure to whip out this FINAL final.  One done; one to go.  Second reason is dear daughter and friend drove in from 9 hour Tim-buck-too yesterday and they are sleeping.  I’m trying to be vewy vewy qwiet. Shhhhhh
Well, Grainiacs, back to reading John Calvin.  If you are suffering from insomnia, download Calvin’s Institutes and start reading….guarantee you’ll sleep…unless you are a Calvinist and then you’ll make a pot of coffee and snuggle in with your favorite blanket and enjoy a good read (personally, I think you’re crazy!).

Tootles and I’ll be writing a tad more later.